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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Oh Canada......

Watching the closing ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics last Sunday made me quite homesick. Actually, watching the Olympics these past few weeks has made me crave Canada and all that it represents. How odd and quite a shocking feeling since I have been accused (on more than one occasion by my loving sisters!) that I am not and never really was Canadian! Proof - during one particular animated 'discussion' when I was asked who the current PM of Canada was (and YES - I knew that Canada didn't have a President!) --- I didn't know! OK - so maybe I wasn't up to speed on my current events, mia culpa! I have lived in the US for the greater part of 20 years --- oh my God, has it really been that long? --- and yes, I have assimilated into the "American way of life" rather smoothly. But now I'm homesick and missing some of the pieces of my old Canadian life.

Of course when I think of Canada and home it is all about my family - I greatly miss everyone -- and didn't think about it too much until I moved south. Lately I've been remembering the times I gave up the opportunity to visit with those people dearest to me just because there's the false belief that they will always be around and there will be time later. And vice versa, how many times has my family been too busy for me? I'm constantly reminded that these connections are so so fragile and so precious and I need to always live in the moment and be more present than I've ever been.

So...where did all this new found Canadian pride come from? As it happens, I am the only person in my family that has moved away - even though Kyle lives in Chicago - he's as Canadian as they come (actually more so!!). My ah-ha moments are many and come to me at the weirdest times --- looking for that little Italian grocery store where - yes - they speak Italian!, worrying about the cost of healthcare, thinking about gun control (and guns out of control!), having the creepy feeling that Big Brother is alive and well, ....... I could go on but you get the picture I'm sure.

The good news in all of these meandering thoughts is is that home is really where my heart is and I can always go home --- if not in body in spirit for sure. So home is where I'll be next time you come looking for me...ciao for now!

Monday, February 15, 2010

let it snow, Let It Snow…LET IT SNOW!

What a difference a year makes. If I was in MI right now, I would think it was just another winter day, snowy and no big deal. BUT being in South Carolina for over a year now snow is an EVENT of grand proportions (and I mean GRAND!)….once a decade……amazing! It has been the news story of the week!

As it turns out snow is a great analogy for changing your mind and your life. What do you think of when you see freshly fallen snow --- purity, awe, a clean slate, a new beginning, a chance to get rid of the dirt? The trees become magical and it even seems quieter and more peaceful all around. It might even be tempting and enjoyable to carry the ‘feelings’ of fresh snow inside of us (opting out for the temperatures that go along with it of course!)
As I sit here to write, there’s a young tree outside my kitchen window --- early this morning it was laden down with heavy wet snow – its tender young branches were bent in two different directions --- each ready to snap. As the snow has melted however, these branches have moved back to their natural position – unscathed by the recent snow storm. Hmmm….the tree and the snow has become my teacher and I have become the student.

So today I resolve to be that young tree --- able to withstand the occasional burdens thrust upon me, but always knowing that the sun will eventually come out again and I will be able to get back on track. The 2010 snow storm in Charleston has taught me to never say never --- as in ‘it never snows in Charleston’ or ‘I will never be able to do that’ (whatever the ‘that’ may be – lose weight, get fit, start my own successful business, get out of debt) or ‘my life will never change’ --- with the melting snow the word never has also melted away from my mind, heart and vocabulary. I resolve to let the feeling of snow cover me peacefully then awaken me with revived passion and hope as it melts away again and allows me to straighten up and fully bloom....Ciao for now!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Juliet: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet." Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

So, it's time to answer the burning question "what's up with my name change?" I'm going to back peddle for a moment to get some perspective......

As a child born in Canada in the 50's there were unwritten rules to follow. My parents were new Italian immigrants (my mother having arrived just a year before I was born) - keeping my Italian heritage seemed less important than becoming a part of the whole. My given names - Lucia Anna - honored my two grandmothers - Lucia who I never had the opportunity to meet - she sadly died when my mother was 4 years old. The other - Anna - was a fighter, single-handedly raised 7 children and lived over a century.

I'm not too sure at what point my name was translated to LouAnne - I do know that my godmother - Emilia Gobbo - was instrumental in the change to this Anglicized version. This is the name I started school with, the name on my driver's license and passports and any legal documents I have ever signed have this name.

Now...fast forward to January 2009.......For all of my life until then I used the name LouAnne but always felt that it wasn't 'me' and didn't reflect my passions and hopes and dreams. It was like wearing a pair of shoes a half size too small - I could still wear them but boy were my feet sore at the end of the day!

Moving to SC gave me the opportunity to start re-inventing myself --- I have always LOVED the name Lucia --- in my mind it symbolizes freedom, passion, excitement and mystery --- some of the many words that resonate with me. I wanted to break free and this was an easy way to do it.

And, fear not, for those family and friends that still continue to call me LouAnne, I need only remind you 'that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet." Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)...ciao for now!

Drum Roll Please....Weight Watchers Here I Come!

It's not like I haven't been a member before - hell, I used to be a WW Leader - yes - that means that I was on the program, reached my ideal weight, kept it off and was a mentor to others. As difficult as it is to admit to myself and the world, that was exactly 10 years ago and I have 'put on' 45 or 50 lbs since those days. I've even been carrying around my Lifetime Member Card to prove to myself that I was successful at one time. The last time I joined WW I only had to lose 25 lbs to reach goal weight - now it's at least doubled that number!!!! YIKES - what happened to me?

Every other time I joined WW I would do what I called my 'last meal' PIG-OUT - and I mean eat anything and everything I could get my hands on right up until the minute I left for the meeting and ultimate weigh-in. It was my wacko 'reward' for joining - huh - now tell me, how TOTALLY CRAZY is that! And the truth is that I actually feel sick after my food binge!


...How do I know that...? For starters, I did two crucial things to guide my success - I went shopping yesterday and only bought "green" stuff (spinach, arugula, celery, mixed greens, broccoli etc.) For dinner last night I had a huge salad, followed by Steel Cut Oats for breakfast this morning. And, I've been up since 5 a.m. today - I totally emptied out my cupboards and pantry and have a huge box of food goodies to donate. Out with all the temptations and in with all the salvations is my new motto.

Secondly, I posted a message on my Facebook telling the world what I am about to do - that now makes me totally accountable not only to myself but to those connected with me.

And thirdly, I have the ultimate luxury of working out of my home office so I'm going to walk to the meeting location --- I'm not too sure how far it is but I think I can safely say it's at least a mile or two each way.

Oh ---- and one last thought, has WW changed the rules for weigh-in - can I remove ALL my clothes this time? I'll soon find out......ciao for now!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A FRESH START is launched

I initially thought I would start this blog to coincide with recently starting my new 'organizing' business called FRESH START. Here, I would give wonderful tips on de-cluttering, right-sizing and organizing your life. It would be filled with moving tips, how to get rid of clothes you never wear (and will never fit), getting control of the paper jungle that surrounds you, clearing out the boxes that you move from home to home without ever looking inside and just simplifying your life with less 'stuff'. I would become the queen of organizing advice and you - the reader - would be enlightened - and lightened - forever more.

But....in the process of getting my business off the ground, and after working with some wonderful clients, I discovered something much deeper - that we are all looking for something (a Fresh Start?) in many areas of our lives - emotional, physical and spiritual - not just in the organizing or de-cluttering department. While it's somewhat true that if we sell or give away some (or all) of our material possessions, we will feel 'better' or 'OK' or 'different' for a while, if we don't examine all the other components of our life we won't make permanent changes and we'll still be stuck (but just have alot less stuff!).

So now I realize that this blog must take a slightly different path - I'm embarking on this journey and will share with you bits and pieces about myself, my observations, struggles and triumphs, and in the process I will also give you some valuable tips on organizing and living a decluttered, calm and peaceful life. Let's take this journey together and see where we end up...........ciao for now!